Vol. 128, No. 2, 1987

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Some explicit upper bounds on the class number and regulator of a cubic field with negative discriminant

Pierre Barrucand, John Harold Loxton and Hugh C. Williams

Vol. 128 (1987), No. 2, 209–222

Explicit upper bounds are developed for the class number and the regulator of any cubic field with a negative discriminant. Lower bounds on the class number are also developed for certain special pure cubic fields.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 11R16
Secondary: 11R29
Received: 18 May 1986
Published: 1 June 1987
Pierre Barrucand
John Harold Loxton
Hugh C. Williams
Department of Mathematics & Statistics
University of Calgary
2500 University Drive NW
Calgary AB T2N 1N4