Vol. 128, No. 2, 1987

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Characterizing reduced Witt rings of higher level

Victoria Powers

Vol. 128 (1987), No. 2, 333–347

Mulcahy’s Spaces of Signatures (SOS) is an abstract setting for the reduced Witt rings of higher level of Becker and Rosenberg just as Marshall’s Spaces of Orderings is an abstract setting for the ordinary reduced Witt ring. Finitely constructible SOS’s are those built up in a finite number of steps from the smallest SOS using 2 operations. We show that finitely constructible SOS’s are precisely those that arise from preordered fields (subject to a certain finiteness condition). This allows us to give an inductive construction for the reduced Witt rings of higher level for certain preordered fields, which generalizes a result of Craven for the ordinary reduced Witt ring. We also obtain a generalization of Bröcker’s results on die possible number of orderings of a field.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 11E81
Secondary: 12J15
Received: 17 February 1986
Revised: 29 May 1986
Published: 1 June 1987
Victoria Powers