Vol. 129, No. 1, 1987

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The harmonic representation of U(p,q) and its connection with the generalized unit disk

Mark Gregory Davidson

Vol. 129 (1987), No. 1, 33–55

In this paper we study the very close connection between the k-th tensor product of the harmonic representation ω of U(p,q) and the generalized unit disk 𝒟. We give a global version of ω realized on the Fock space as an integral operator. Each irreducible component of ω is shown to be equivalent in a natural way to a multiplier representation of U(p,q) acting on a Hilbert space (𝒟) of vector-valued holomorphic functions on 𝒟. The intertwining operator between these realizations is then explicitly constructed. We determine necessary and sufficient conditions for square integrability of each component of ω and in this case derive the Hilbert space structure on (𝒟).

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 22E45
Received: 17 February 1986
Published: 1 September 1987
Mark Gregory Davidson