Vol. 129, No. 1, 1987

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Pseudogroups of C1 piecewise projective homeomorphisms

Peter Abraham Greenberg

Vol. 129 (1987), No. 1, 67–75

The group PSL2R acts transitively on the circle S1 = R ∪∞, by linear fractional transformations. A homeomorphism g : U V between open subsets of R is called C1, piecewise projective if g is C1, and if there is some locally finite subset S of U such that, on each component of U S, g agrees with some element of PSL2R. Let ΓR be the pseudogroup of such homeomorphisms. We show that the Haefliger classifying space BΓR is simply connected, and that there is a homology isomorphism i : BPSL2R BΓR. (PSL2R is the universal cover of PSL2R, considered as a discrete group.) As a consequence, the classifying space of the discrete group of compactly supported, C1 piecewise projective homeomorphisms of R is a “homology loop space” of BPSL2R.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 57R32
Secondary: 58H05, 58H10
Received: 3 June 1985
Revised: 18 September 1986
Published: 1 September 1987
Peter Abraham Greenberg