Vol. 129, No. 1, 1987

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Intrinsic transversality structures

Norman Jay Levitt and Andrew Ranicki

Vol. 129 (1987), No. 1, 85–144

This paper introduces the notion of an intrinsic transversality structure on a Poincaré duality space Xn. Such a space has an intrinsic transversality structure if the embedding of Xn into its regular neighborhood Wn+k in Euclidean space can be made “Poincaré transverse” to a triangulation of Wn+k. This notion relates to earlier work concerning transversality structures on spherical fibrations, which are known to be essentially equivalent to topological bundle reductions. Thus, for n 5, a Poincaré duality space Xn with a transversality structure on its Spivak normal fibration (i.e., with an “extrinsic” transversality structure) is, up to a surgery obstruction, realizable as a topological manifold. An intrinsic transversality structure, however, not only guarantees the existence of an extrinsic transversality structure but gives rise as well to a canonical solution of the resulting surgery problem. Thus, as our main result, an equivalence is obtained between intrinsic transversality structures and topological manifold structures. This yields a number of corollaries, among which the most important is a “local formula for the total surgery obstruction” which assembles this obstruction to the existence of a manifold structure on Xn from the local singularities of a realization of the simple homotopy type of Xn as a (non-manifold) simplicial complex.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 57P10
Secondary: 57N75, 57R67
Received: 7 December 1981
Published: 1 September 1987
Norman Jay Levitt
Andrew Ranicki
School of Mathematics
University of Edinburgh
United Kingdom