Vol. 130, No. 2, 1987

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On the geometry of extensions of irreducible modules for simple algebraic groups

Stephen R. Doty and John Brendan Sullivan

Vol. 130 (1987), No. 2, 253–273

Let G be a simple, simply connected affine algebraic group over an algebraically closed field k of non-zero characteristic p. We consider the problem of determining the extensions of irreducible modules by irreducible modules. The extensions may be realized as submodules of modules induced from characters on a Borel subgroup of G. The geometry of the distribution of composition factors of those induced modules is determined by an operation (namely, alcove transition) of the Weyl group on the space of weights. Generically in the lowest p2-alcove, that operation stabilizes a canonical subset of the set of highest weights of those irreducible modules which extend the irreducible module of some fixed highest weight. The stability leads to an upper bound on that subset, which can be refined using the translation principle. We give a conjecture for the generic distribution of extensions of irreducible modules by a fixed irreducible module.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 20G05
Received: 23 June 1986
Revised: 12 December 1986
Published: 1 December 1987
Stephen R. Doty
John Brendan Sullivan