Let M be a closed oriented
smooth surface of genus g ≥ 2, and let ℳℱ denote the space of equivalence classes of
measured foliations on M. The importance of measured foliations began with
Thurston’s work on diffeomorphisms of surfaces: he defined the space ℳℱ
and recognized the natural action of the mapping class group on ℳℱ as
an extension of the action of this group on the Teichmüller space of M.
In these investigations, there arose the concept of a pseudo-Anosov map
which fixes a pair of transverse projective measured foliation classes on M,
and the question evolves of recognizing the foliation classes fixed by some
pseudo-Anosov map. Our main result provides a solution to this problem: we
give a combinatorial characterization of these projective measured foliation
classes. The combinatorial formulation of this problem uses the theory of train