Vol. 131, No. 1, 1988

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Primality of the number of points on an elliptic curve over a finite field

Neal I. Koblitz

Vol. 131 (1988), No. 1, 157–165

Given a fixed elliptic curve E defined over Q having no rational torsion points, we discuss the probability that the number of points on E mod p is prime as the prime p varies. We give conjectural asymptotic formulas for the number of p n for which this number is prime, both in the case of a complex multiplication and a non-CM curve E. Numerical evidence is given supporting these formulas.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 11G05
Secondary: 11Y40, 14G15
Received: 21 August 1986
Revised: 9 April 1987
Published: 1 January 1988
Neal I. Koblitz