Vol. 131, No. 1, 1988

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Curvature properties of typical convex surfaces

Tudor Zamfirescu

Vol. 131 (1988), No. 1, 191–207

Here we shall see that on typical convex surfaces the set of points with an infinite sectional curvature in some direction and that of points in which the lower sectional curvature in some direction equals the upper sectional curvature in the opposite direction are dense. Also we shall see that, in a certain sense, most convex surfaces are a.e. “very close” to their tangent hyperplane, closer than vanishing curvature already indicates.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 53C45
Secondary: 52A20, 53A07
Received: 3 July 1986
Revised: 3 November 1986
Published: 1 January 1988
Tudor Zamfirescu