Vol. 131, No. 2, 1988

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The Campbell-Hausdorff group and a polar decomposition of graded algebra automorphisms

Alberto Baider and Richard C. Churchill

Vol. 131 (1988), No. 2, 219–235

Let A = k=k0grk(A) be a complete graded (associative or Lie) algebra over a field of characteristic zero, filtered by the decreasing filtration Fj(A) = k=jgrk(A). We let Aut(A) denote the group of filtration preserving automorphisms of A, and Aut0(A) the subgroup consisting of those elements of Aut(A) which preserve the grading. In this paper we prove that every element of Aut(A) has a unique polar decomposition of the form u0 exp(d), where u0 Aut0(A) and d : A A is a filtration increasing derivation.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 17B70
Secondary: 58F99, 16A03
Received: 17 June 1986
Revised: 6 November 1986
Published: 1 February 1988
Alberto Baider
Richard C. Churchill