Vol. 131, No. 2, 1988

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Convergence for the square root of the Poisson kernel

Peter Sjögren

Vol. 131 (1988), No. 2, 361–391

Let X be a symmetric space and f an integrable function on its boundary ∂X. The 0-Poisson integral P0f is the function on X obtained by integrating f against the square root of the Poisson kernel. We give Fatou theorems saying that the normalized function P0f∕P01 converges almost everywhere to f on ∂X. Many such results are known for λ-Poisson integrals Pλf with λ in the positive Weyl chamber. But the case λ = 0 is different, since larger regions of convergence can be used. Some of our results are general, some are given for the bidisk or SL(3,R)SO(3). The paper extends previous results by the author for the disk and the bidisk.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 43A85
Secondary: 22E30
Received: 10 November 1986
Published: 1 February 1988
Peter Sjögren