Vol. 132, No. 1, 1988

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Sums of products of powers of given prime numbers

Robert Tijdeman and Lian Xiang Wang

Vol. 132 (1988), No. 1, 177–193

We give the complete solutions of the equations 2x3y + 1 = 2z + 3w, 2x3y + 2z = 3w + 1 and 2x3y + 3w = 2z + 1 in integers x, y, z, w. We use this to prove that every large rational number has at most four representations of the form 2α3β + 2γ + 3δ. Finally we prove that, for given integer n and prime numbers p1,,pt, every rational number m has at most C representations of the form i=1np1ki1ptkit where ki1,,kit are integers.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 11D61
Secondary: 11D85
Received: 24 October 1986
Revised: 18 March 1987
Published: 1 March 1988
Robert Tijdeman
Lian Xiang Wang