If X is a topological space we
denote by C(X) ⊗Mn the algebra of continuous functions from X to the algebra Mn
of n × n complex matrices. A complete characterization of those topological
spaces Y is given (in terms of vector bundles on Y ) such that each unital
algebra-homomorphism Φ: C(X) ⊗Mn→ C(Y ) ⊗Mkn is of the form α∘ (Φ′⊗idn)
for some homomorphism Φ′ : C(X) → C(Y ) ⊗ Mk and some suitable inner (or
C(Y )-linear) automorphism α of the algebra C(Y ) ⊗ Mkn. In particular this
decomposition is assured provided that Y is a finite CW-complex of dimension ≤ 2k
and K0(Y ) does not have n-torsion.