Vol. 132, No. 2, 1988

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On matricially normed spaces

Edward George Effros and Zhong-Jin Ruan

Vol. 132 (1988), No. 2, 243–264

Arveson and Wittstock have proved a “non-commutative Hahn-Banach Theorem” for completely hounded operator-valued maps on spaces of operators. In this paper it is shown that if T is a linear map from the dual of an operator space into a C-algebra, then the usual operator norm of T coincides with the completely bounded norm. This is used to prove that the Arveson-Wittstock theorem does not generalize to “matricially normed spaces”. An elementary proof of the Arveson-Wittstock result is presented. Finally a simple bimodule interpretation is given for the “Haagerup” and “matricial” tensor products of matricially normed spaces.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 46L05
Secondary: 46H25, 47D15
Received: 15 February 1987
Published: 1 April 1988
Edward George Effros
Zhong-Jin Ruan