Vol. 132, No. 2, 1988

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Witt rings of complete skew fields

Andrzej Sładek

Vol. 132 (1988), No. 2, 391–399

In 1982 T. Craven generalized the definition of Witt ring from fields to skew fields. The main aim of this paper is to survey Witt rings of skew fields complete relative to discrete valuation. We prove that if A is a complete skew field with the residue class field E of characteristic not 2, then the Witt ring W(A) is isomorphic to the group ring (W(E)A(Eσ))[Δ], where Δ is the two-element group, A(Eσ) is the ideal of W(E) generated by all elements of the form 1,d, d ∈{σ(x)x1;x E}E2 and σ is the automorphism of E induced by the inner automorphism xπxπ1 of A determined by the uniformizer π of A. When A is commutative, then it turns out to be the well known Springer’s Theorem. The case of dyadic skew fields is also considered. We show that if A is a finite dimensional division algebra over a dyadic field, then every binary form over A is universal.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 11E81
Secondary: 12E15, 16A39
Received: 7 November 1986
Published: 1 April 1988
Andrzej Sładek