Vol. 133, No. 1, 1988

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On the Diophantine equation 1 = 1∕ni + 1 ni and a class of homologically trivial complex surface singularities

Lawrence James Brenton and Richard Hill

Vol. 133 (1988), No. 1, 41–67

Let n1,,nN be integers 2, and let x X be an isolated two-dimensional complex singularity whose dual intersection graph is a star with central weight 1 and with weights ni on the arms. Then X is locally the cone on a homology 3-sphere if and only if ni1 + ni1 = 1. All such unit fraction expressions for 1 are given for N 7, and properties of such sequences {ni} are discussed in general.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 32C40, 32C40
Secondary: 14B05, 32B30
Received: 29 April 1985
Published: 1 May 1988
Lawrence James Brenton
Richard Hill