Vol. 133, No. 1, 1988

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The Mazur property for compact sets

Abderrazzak Sersouri

Vol. 133 (1988), No. 1, 185–195

We give a “convex” characterization to the following smoothness property, denoted by (CI): every compact convex set is the intersection of balls containing it. This characterization is used to give a transfer theorem for property (CI). As an application we prove that the family of spaces which have an equivalent norm with property (CI) is stable under c0 and lp sums for 1 p < . We also prove that if X has a transfinite Schauder basis, and Y has an equivalent norm with property (CI) then the space XpY has an equivalent norm with property (CI), for every tensor norm ρ.

Similar results are obtained for the usual Mazur property (I), that is, the family of spaces which have an equivalent norm with property (I) is stable under c0 and lp sums for 1 < p < .

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 46B20
Secondary: 46A55
Received: 12 February 1987
Revised: 22 June 1987
Published: 1 May 1988
Abderrazzak Sersouri