Vol. 133, No. 1, 1988

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On an analogue of the Wiener Tauberian theorem for symmetric spaces of the noncompact type

Alladi Sitaram

Vol. 133 (1988), No. 1, 197–208

Let X be a symmetric space and G the connected component of the group of isometries of X. If f L1(X), we consider conditions under which Sp{gf : g G} is dense in L1(X) in terms of the “Fourier transform” of f. This continues earlier work on this kind of problem by L. Ehrenpreis and F. I. Mautner, R. Krier and the author.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 43A85
Secondary: 22E46, 43A45
Received: 28 March 1987
Published: 1 May 1988
Alladi Sitaram