Vol. 133, No. 2, 1988

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Eisenstein-series on real, complex, and quaternionic half-spaces

Aloys Krieg

Vol. 133 (1988), No. 2, 315–354

The real, complex, and quaternionic half-spaces are introduced in certain analogy with the Siegel half-space. The modified symplectic group acts on the attached half-space in the usual way. At first properties of these half-spaces considered as symmetric spaces are derived. Then a fundamental domain with respect to the modified modular group, which consists of integral modified symplectic matrices, is constructed. The behavior of convergence of the corresponding Eisenstein-series is determined carefully. The Fourier-coefficients of the Eisenstein-series are calculated explicitly, whenever the degree is sufficiently small.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 11F55
Secondary: 11F06
Received: 25 October 1986
Revised: 8 July 1987
Published: 1 June 1988
Aloys Krieg
Lehrstuhl A für Mathematik
RWTH Aachen University
Templergraben 55
D-52056 Aachen