Vol. 134, No. 1, 1988

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Invariant subspaces of 2 of an annulus

Daniel Hitt

Vol. 134 (1988), No. 1, 101–120

Fully invariant subspaces of the Hardy class 2(G) on a multiply connected domain G C, are those such that

f(x) ∈ ℳ ⇒ Q(z)f(z) ∈ ℳ,

for all rational functions Q whose poles are in the complement of G. Simply invariant subspaces are those such that

f(z) ∈ ℳ ⇒ zf(z) ∈ ℳ.

Although the structure of the fully invariant subspaces is well known as a result of the work of Sarason, Hasumi, and Voichick, little work has been done on subspaces simply invariant but not fully invariant. In this paper we consider the special case G = A, where A denotes the annulus {z C : 1 < |z| < R}. We classify the simply invariant (closed) subspaces of 2(A).

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 46E20
Secondary: 46J15, 47A15, 47B38
Received: 10 June 1986
Published: 1 September 1988
Daniel Hitt