Vol. 134, No. 1, 1988

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Homogeneous spectral sets and local-global methods in Banach algebras

Angel Rafael Larotonda and Ignacio Zalduendo

Vol. 134 (1988), No. 1, 133–150

The search for topological characterization of algebraic properties of commutative Banach algebras has often led to the calculation of cohomology groups of its spectrum.

In the present paper, a tool is developed which permits the application of sheaf cohomological methods to such problems by lifting sequences of complex analytic manifolds to sequences of spectral sets and cohomology groups.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 46J05
Secondary: 32K05, 46H30, 46M20
Received: 6 March 1987
Published: 1 September 1988
Angel Rafael Larotonda
Ignacio Zalduendo