Vol. 134, No. 1, 1988

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Invariant subspaces of p for multiply connected regions

Halsey Lawrence Royden, Jr.

Vol. 134 (1988), No. 1, 151–172

A closed linear subspace p(G) is said to be invariant if zf(z) is in for all f(z) ∈ℳ. It is said to be fully invariant if r(z)f(z) is in for all f ∈ℳ and all rational functions r(z) with poles in the complement of G. This paper investigates those invariant subspaces of p(G), for a multiply connected G, which are invariant but not fully invariant. We show that an invariant subspace fails to be fully invariant if and only if there is one bounded component Gi of the complement of G such that the ratio of any two functions in has a pseudo-continuation to a meromorphic function in the Nevanlinna class of Gi. This allows us to give a complete characterization of those invariant subspaces of p(G) which contain the constants.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 46E15
Secondary: 46J15, 47A15, 47B38
Received: 10 June 1986
Published: 1 September 1988
Halsey Lawrence Royden, Jr.