Vol. 134, No. 2, 1988

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Functions in R2(E) and points of the fine interior

Edwin Wolf

Vol. 134 (1988), No. 2, 393–400

Let E be a set that is compact in the usual topology. Let m denote 2-dimensional Lebesgue measure. We denote by R0(E) the algebra of rational functions with poles off E. For p 1, let Lp(E) = Lp(E,dm). The closure of R0(E) in Lp(E) will be denoted by Rp(E).

In this paper we study the behavior of functions in R2(E) at points of the fine interior of E. We prove that if U E is a finely open set of bounded point evaluations for R2(E), then there is a finely open set V U such that each x V is a bounded point derivation of all orders for R2(E). We also prove that if R2(E)L2(E), there is a subset S E having positive measure such that if x S each function in p>2Rp(E) is approximately continuous at x. Moreover, this approximate continuity is uniform on the unit ball of a normed linear space that contains p>2Rp(E).

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 41A20
Secondary: 30E10, 41A63, 46J10
Received: 24 March 1987
Revised: 28 December 1987
Published: 1 October 1988
Edwin Wolf