Vol. 135, No. 1, 1988

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Nontangential limit theorems for normal mappings

Kyong Taik Hahn

Vol. 135 (1988), No. 1, 57–64

Let X be a relatively compact complex subspace of a hermitian manifold N with hermitian distance dN. Let Ω be a bounded domain with C1-boundary in Cm. A holomorphic mapping f : Ω N, f(Ω) X, is called a normal mapping if the family {f ψ : ψ : Δ Ω is holomorphic}, Δ := {z C : |z| < 1}, is a normal family in the sense of H. Wu. Let {pn} be a sequence of points in Ω which tends to a boundary point ζ Ω such that limn→∞dN(f(pn),l) = 0 for some l X. Two sets of sufficient conditions on {pn} are given for a normal mapping f : Ω X to have the non-tangential limit value l, thus extending the results obtained by Bagemihl and Seidel.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 32A40
Secondary: 32A17
Received: 24 April 1987
Published: 1 November 1988
Kyong Taik Hahn