Vol. 135, No. 1, 1988

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Properties of uppers to zero in R[x]

Eloise A. Hamann, Evan Green Houston, Jr. and Jon Lee Johnson

Vol. 135 (1988), No. 1, 65–79

If k is a field, k[x] is a principal ideal domain and the ideal structure of k[x] is well understood. For example, a nonzero ideal is prime if and only if its generator is irreducible. If R is an integral domain with quotient field k, it is natural to ask if the set of ideals I of R[x] such that Ik[x] is proper can be equally well described. Since such ideals can contain no nonzero elements of R, one hopes that the structure will be dominated by the structure of k[x]. While such ideals need not be principal, we define a notion of almost principal which does hold for a large class of rings R. We study this class and give examples where ideals are not almost principal. The almost principal property is related to the following questions:

  1. When is (ax b)k[x] R[x] generated by linear elements? (Ratliff)
  2. When is (f(x))k[x] R[x] divisorial? (Houston) and
  3. When is an ideal I, which is its own extension-contraction from R[x] to R[[x]] and back, equal to cl(I) in the x-adic topology? (Arnold)

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 13F20
Secondary: 13A15, 13B25, 13F10
Received: 21 April 1987
Revised: 30 October 1987
Published: 1 November 1988
Eloise A. Hamann
Evan Green Houston, Jr.
Jon Lee Johnson