Vol. 135, No. 2, 1988

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Uniqueness problem without multiplicities in value distribution theory

Shanyu Ji

Vol. 135 (1988), No. 2, 323–348

Let H1,,Hk be hyperplanes in general position in Pm with m 2. Let A1,,Ak be pure (n 1)-dimensional analytic subsets of Cn with codim Ai Aj 2 whenever ij. Then any linearly non-degenerate meromorphic maps f,g,h : Cn Pm with f|Aj = g|Aj = h|Aj and with f1(Hj) = g1(Hj) = h1(Hj) = Aj for j = 1,,k satisfy Property (P) if k = 3m + 1. Consequently such f, g, h are algebraically dependent. If even n rank f = rank g = rank h = m, then k = m + 3 suffices.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 32H30
Received: 13 April 1987
Published: 1 December 1988
Shanyu Ji