Vol. 135, No. 2, 1988

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Enlargements of quantum logics

Mirko Navara, Pavel Pták and Vladimír Rogalewicz

Vol. 135 (1988), No. 2, 361–369

Let K be a quantum logic whose state space is nonvoid. Let B be a Boolean algebra and let C be a compact convex subset of a locally convex topological linear space. Then K can be enlarged to a logic L such that the centre of L equals B and the state space of L equals C. (The result remains valid when we replace the word “logic” with “orthomodular lattice”.)

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 03G12
Secondary: 81B10, 46N05
Received: 10 June 1987
Published: 1 December 1988
Mirko Navara
Pavel Pták
Vladimír Rogalewicz