Vol. 136, No. 1, 1989

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The isomorphism problem for orthodox semigroups

Thomas Eric Hall

Vol. 136 (1989), No. 1, 123–128

The author’s structure theorem for orthodox semigroups produced an orthodox semigroup (E,T,ψ) from a band E, an inverse semi-group T and a morphism ψ between two inverse semigroups, namely T and WE∕γ, an inverse semigroup constructed from E. Here, we solve the isomorphism problem: when are two such orthodox semigroups isomorphic? This leads to a way of producing all orthodox semigroups, up to isomorphism, with prescribed band E and maximum inverse semigroup morphic image T.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 20M10
Received: 21 July 1987
Published: 1 January 1989
Thomas Eric Hall