Vol. 136, No. 1, 1989

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The noncommutative topology of one-dimensional spaces

Terry Atherton Loring

Vol. 136 (1989), No. 1, 145–158

If X and Y are compact topological spaces, the unital star-homomorphisms from C(X) to C(Y ) satisfy certain homotopy properties when X is an absolute neighborhood retract. We show that two of these properties still hold when C(Y ) is replaced by a “noncommutative space”, i.e. an arbitrary unital C-algebra, but only under the additional assumption that X is one-dimensional. Specifically, we show that C(X) is semiprojective and that two unital star-homomorphisms from C(X) to a C-algebra A are homotopic whenever they are close.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 46L99
Secondary: 46L05, 55P55
Received: 25 August 1987
Revised: 28 February 1988
Published: 1 January 1989
Terry Atherton Loring