We give a new proof for
Connes’ result that an injective factor of type IIIλ,0 < λ < 1 on a separable Hilbert
space is isomorphic to the Powers factor Rλ. Our approach is based on lengthy, but
relatively simple operations with completely positive maps together with a technical
result that gives a necessary condition for that two n-tuples (ζ1,…,ζn) and (η1,…,ηn)
of unit vectors in a Hilbert W∗-bimodule are almost unitary equivalent. As a step in
the proof we obtain the following strong version of Dixmier’s approximation theorem
for 111λ-factors: Let N be a factor of type IIIλ,0 < λ < 1, and let ϕ be a
normal faithful state on N for which σt0ϕ=id(t0= −2π∕logλ); then for
every x ∈ N the norm closure of conv{uxu∗|u ∈ U(Mϕ)} contains a scalar