Vol. 138, No. 1, 1989

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Integral logarithmic means for regular functions

C. N. Linden

Vol. 138 (1989), No. 1, 119–127

For a function f, regular in the unit disc, integral logarithmic means are defined by the formulae

           1-∫ 2π       i𝜃  p   1∕p
Mp (r,f) = { 2π 0  |log|f(re )|| d𝜃}    (0 < r < 1)

for 0 < p < . These are related to

M ∞ (r,f) = sup |log|f(z)|| (0 < r < 1)

when the latter increases sufficiently rapidly. Thus when λ(f) 1 the orders

             logMp (r,f)
λp(f) = limr→su1p log1∕(1−-r)

are continuous at infinity in the sense that

 lim λp(f) = λ∞ (f),

a property which does not generally hold when λ(f) < 1. It transpires that in the extreme cases λ(f) = λ1(f) + 1, and λ(f) = λ1(f) 1, λp(f) is uniquely determined for 1 < p < .

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 30D60
Secondary: 30C45
Received: 23 November 1987
Published: 1 May 1989
C. N. Linden