Vol. 138, No. 1, 1989

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Approximate inverse systems of compacta and covering dimension

Sibe Mardesic and Leonard Rubin

Vol. 138 (1989), No. 1, 129–144

Approximate inverse systems of metric compacta are introduced and studied. The bonding maps in these systems commute only up to certain controlled values. With every such system X = (Xa,𝜖a,paa,A) are associated a limit space X and projections pa : X Xa. A compact Hausdorff space X has covering dimension dimX n if and only if it can be obtained as the limit of an approximate inverse system of compact polyhedra of dimension n. The analogous statement for usual inverse systems is known to be false.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 54F45
Secondary: 54B25
Received: 13 May 1987
Revised: 3 May 1988
Published: 1 May 1989
Sibe Mardesic
Leonard Rubin