Vol. 138, No. 1, 1989

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Conformally flat immersions and flatness of the normal connection

Maria Helena Noronha

Vol. 138 (1989), No. 1, 145–150

B. Y. Chen and T. Teng affirmed that almost umbilic isometric immersions of an n-dimensional manifold in Rn+2 have zero normal curvature (R = 0). In this paper we exhibit a counterexample to this statement and we prove that either R = 0 or there exists (locally) an isometric immersion of this manifold in Rn+2 with R = 0. These immersions are conformally flat and we study their local geometry.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 53B25
Secondary: 53C12
Received: 7 January 1987
Published: 1 May 1989
Maria Helena Noronha