Let ℳ be a semifinite factor.
For normal operators x and y in ℳ, introducing the spectral distance δ(x,y), we
show that δ(x,y) ≥dist(𝒰(x),𝒰(y)) ≥ c−1δ(x,y) with a universal constant c, where
dist(𝒰(x),𝒰(y)) denotes the distance between the unitary orbits 𝒰(x) and 𝒰(y). The
equality dist(𝒰(x),𝒰(y)) = δ(x,y) holds in several cases. Submajorizations are
established concerning the spectral scales of τ-measurable selfadjoint operators
affiliated with ℳ. Using these submajorizations, we obtain the formulas of
Lp-distance and anti-Lp-distance between unitary orbits of τ-measurable selfadjoint
operators in terms of their spectral scales. Furthermore the formulas of those
distances in Haagerup Lp-spaces are obtained when ℳ is a type III1 factor. The
appendix by H. Kosaki is the generalized Powers-Størmer inequality in Haagerup