Vol. 139, No. 1, 1989

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On the space of Lipschitz homeomorphisms of a compact polyhedron

Katsuro Sakai and Raymond Y. T. Wong

Vol. 139 (1989), No. 1, 195–207

Let X be a positive dimensional compact Euclidean polyhedron. Let H(X), HLIP(X) and HPL(X) be respectively the space of homeomorphisms, the space of Lipschitz homeomorphisms and the space of piecewise-linear homeomorphisms of X onto itself. In this paper, we establish a homeomorphism taking the triple (H(X),HLIP(X),HPL(X)) onto the triple (H(X) × s,HLIP(X) × Σ,HPL(X) × σ), where s = (1,1)ω, Σ = {(x1) s|sup|xi| < 1} and σ = {(xi) s|xi = 0 except for finitely many i}. As a consequence we prove that when X is a PL manifold with dimx4 and ∂X = , in case dimX = 5, (H(X),HLIP(X)) is an (s,Σ)-manifold pair if H(X) is an s-manifold. We also prove that if dimX = 1 or 2, then (H(X),HPL(X)) is an (s,σ)-manifold pair and (H(X),HLIP(X)) is an (s,Σ)-manifold.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 57Q99
Secondary: 58D15
Received: 30 November 1987
Revised: 8 June 1988
Published: 1 September 1989
Katsuro Sakai
Raymond Y. T. Wong