Vol. 139, No. 2, 1989

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Weights induced by homogeneous polynomials

Boo Rim Choe

Vol. 139 (1989), No. 2, 225–240

Let B be the unit ball and S the unit sphere in n (n 2). Let σ be the unique normalized rotation-invariant Borel measure on S and m the normalized area measure on .

We first prove that if Λ is a holomorphic homogeneous polynomial on n normalized so that Λ maps B onto the unit disk U in and if μ = σ[(Λ|S)1], then μ m and the Radon-Nikodym derivative dμ∕dm is radial and positive on U. Then we obtain the asymptotic behavior of dμ∕dm for a certain, but not small, class of functions Λ. These results generalize two recent special cases of P. Ahern and P. Russo. As an immediate consequence we enlarge the class of functions for which Ahern-Rudin’s Paley-type gap theorems hold.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 32A37
Received: 17 December 1987
Published: 1 October 1989
Boo Rim Choe