Vol. 139, No. 2, 1989

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A construction of harmonic forms on U(p + 1,q)∕U(p,q) × U(1)

Roger Craig Zierau

Vol. 139 (1989), No. 2, 377–399

The point of this paper is to give a method for constructing bundle valued harmonic forms on the indefinite Kähler symmetric space U(p + 1,q)∕U(p,q) ×U(1). Such a space of harmonic forms has been studied by Rawnsley, Schmid and Wolf in order to unitarize certain representations acting on Dolbeault cohomology spaces. They primiarily study a space of “special” harmonic (0,s)-forms representing Dolbeault cohomology, and s is the dimension of a maximal compact subvariety. Here, harmonic forms are constructed in arbitrary degree (0,s). We construct harmonic forms corresponding to “lowest K-types” and we determine the other possible K-types in the representation spanned by these. We also determine when these are L2 (in an appropriate sense).

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 22E46
Secondary: 32L10, 32M10
Received: 2 February 1988
Revised: 12 July 1988
Published: 1 October 1989
Roger Craig Zierau