Vol. 140, No. 2, 1989

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Conjugacy class structure of smooth hyperbolic sectors

Marcy Mason Barge, Richard Swanson and Russell Bruce Walker

Vol. 140 (1989), No. 2, 217–231

In this article we exhibit a continuum of explicit, cubic plus flat, nonconjugate hyperbolic sectors [Theorem 3.1]. We further show that, regardless of conjugacy class, any flat vector field with a hyperbolic sector can be locally C approximated by a conjugate of a linear model; however, there exist non-flat hyperbolic sectors which can be arbitrarily C-approximated by linear conjugates, but are not conjugate to any of them [Theorem 5.2].

In addition, we address the following:

Which smooth maps can be realized as the pass-by or “sojourn time” map of some hyperbolic sector?

Such sojourn time maps must go to at zero; the asymptotic behavior at zero determines the sector’s conjugacy class. We prove that if τ : (0,1) R+ is a smooth map such that 1∕τ is smoothly extendible to zero, then there is a smooth hyperbolic sector with τ as sojourn time map [Theorem 3.1]. In other results, the variation in successive oscillations of τ provide sufficient conditions for the realization of τ as a sojourn time map [Theorems 2.1 and 4.2].

Mathematical Subject Classification
Primary: 58F25
Received: 15 January 1988
Revised: 15 August 1988
Published: 1 December 1989
Marcy Mason Barge
Richard Swanson
Russell Bruce Walker