Vol. 141, No. 1, 1990

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The boundary behaviour of harmonic univalent maps

Yusuf Abu-Muhanna and Abdallah Khalil Lyzzaik

Vol. 141 (1990), No. 1, 1–20

Let D denote the open unit disc in the complex plane and f = h + a complex-valued, harmonic, univalent and orientation preserving map in D, where h and g are analytic in D. We show that g,h Hλ and f hλ for some λ > 0, where Hλ (hλ) is the Hardy space of order λ for analytic (harmonic) functions. We also study the correspondence under f between ∂D (boundary of D) and the prime ends of f(D).

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 30D40
Secondary: 30D55, 31A20
Received: 7 January 1988
Revised: 11 October 1988
Published: 1 January 1990
Yusuf Abu-Muhanna
Abdallah Khalil Lyzzaik