Vol. 141, No. 1, 1990

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The n-dimensional analogue of the catenary: existence and nonexistence

Ulrich Dierkes and Gerhard Huisken

Vol. 141 (1990), No. 1, 47–54

We study “heavy” n-dimensional surfaces suspended from some prescribed (n 1)-dimensional boundary data. This leads to a mean curvature type equation with a non-monotone right hand side. We show that the equation has no solution if the boundary data are too small, and, using a fixed point argument, that the problem always has a smooth solution for sufficiently large boundary data.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 49F10
Secondary: 53A10
Received: 15 January 1988
Published: 1 January 1990
Ulrich Dierkes
Gerhard Huisken