Vol. 141, No. 2, 1990

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Sheaves and functional calculus

G. Deferrari, Angel Rafael Larotonda and Ignacio Zalduendo

Vol. 141 (1990), No. 2, 279–286

Let A be a commutative Banach algebra with identity over the complex field, . Let a1,,an be elements of A, and sp(a) their joint spectrum. In this paper we seek to characterize the functional calculus

Ta : 𝒪 (sp(a),A) → A

as part of a cohomology sequence of certain sheaves, and the algebra A as the algebra of sections

H0 (sp(a),𝒜) = A

of a sheaf 𝒜, which is related to the Putinar structural sheaf. This is obtained under certain conditions on a1,,an. The problem is related also to the unique extension property and to the local analytic spectrum σ(a,x) of x with respect to a.

Section 2 is devoted to attacking this problem. In §1, some preliminary results are obtained. We also prove that if σ(a,x) is empty, then x is nilpotent.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 46M20
Secondary: 46H30, 46J05, 47A60
Received: 20 October 1987
Revised: 26 September 1988
Published: 1 February 1990
G. Deferrari
Angel Rafael Larotonda
Ignacio Zalduendo