Vol. 142, No. 1, 1990

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Generic properties of the adjuction mapping for singular surfaces and applications

Marco Andreatta, Mauro Beltrametti and Andrew Sommese

Vol. 142 (1990), No. 1, 1–15

In the last years many new results on the classical problem of classifying smooth surfaces in the projective space in terms of their extrinsic projective and intrinsic geometric invariants have been made by using the adjunction mapping. In this paper we extend the existence theorem for the adjunction mapping to the case of singular surfaces. Although the mapping is only meromorphic we obtain many inequalities known previously only in the smooth case. As an illustration of the results we given a very complete answer in the singular case, parallel to the smooth result, to the question of when a singular surface can “have a hyperelliptic hyperplane section”.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 14C20
Secondary: 14J25
Received: 25 January 1988
Published: 1 March 1990
Marco Andreatta
Mauro Beltrametti
Andrew Sommese
University of Notre Dame