Vol. 142, No. 1, 1990

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Unitary cobordism of classifying spaces of quaternion groups

Abdeslam Mesnaoui

Vol. 142 (1990), No. 1, 69–101

The main purpose of this article is to prove that the complex cobordism ring of classifying spaces of quaternion groups Γk(|Γk| = 2k) is a quotient of the graded ring U(pt)[[X,Y,Z]] (dimX = dimY = 2,dim = Z = 4) by a graded ideal generated by six homogeneous formal power series.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 55N22
Secondary: 57R77, 57R90
Received: 5 October 1986
Revised: 15 August 1988
Published: 1 March 1990
Abdeslam Mesnaoui