Vol. 142, No. 2, 1990

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Outer conjugacy of shifts on the hyperfinite II1-factor

Donald John Charles Bures and Hong Sheng Yin

Vol. 142 (1990), No. 2, 245–257

For a shift σ on the hyperfinite II1 factor R, we define the derived shift σ to be the restriction of σ to the von Neumann algebra generated by the (σk(R))′∩ R. Outer conjugacy of shifts implies conjugacy of derived shifts. In the case of n-shifts with n prime, we calculate σ explicitly. Combining this with the known classification of n-shifts up to conjugacy, we obtain useful outer-conjugacy invariants for n-shifts.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 46L55
Received: 21 March 1988
Published: 1 April 1990
Donald John Charles Bures
Hong Sheng Yin