Vol. 142, No. 2, 1990

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Hyperholomorphic functions and higher order partial differential equations in the plane

R. Z. Yeh

Vol. 142 (1990), No. 2, 379–399

We derive a Taylor formula for matrix-valued functions, in particular for hyperholomorphic functions. The latter functions are matrix-valued functions that satisfy a certain type of first order systems, for which we make no ellipticity assumption. For solutions of higher order linear partial differential equations with constant coefficients in the plane we show the existence of hyperconjugates, an obvious generalization of harmonic conjugates in complex analysis. By way of hyperconjugates we find series expansions for solutions of partial differential equations in terms of polynomial solutions. These polynomials form a basis for real analytic solutions at the origin. An algorithm for obtaining all such polynomials is summarized at the end. This paper continues in the tradition of hypercomplex analysis.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 30G20
Secondary: 30G35, 35E99
Received: 18 April 1988
Published: 1 April 1990
R. Z. Yeh