Vol. 143, No. 1, 1990

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Weakly almost periodic semigroups of operators

Wolfgang Ruess and William H. Summers

Vol. 143 (1990), No. 1, 175–193

We address the question as to when a motion or almost-orbit u of a strongly continuous semigroup (S(t))t0 of operators in a Banach space X will be weakly almost periodic in the sense of Eberlein. In particular, we show (a) that this is the case in practice exactly when u uniquely decomposes as the sum u = S()y + φ of an almost periodic motion S()y : + X of (S(t))t0 and a function φ : + X that vanishes at infinity in a certain weak sense, and (b) that an almost-orbit u of a uniformly bounded C0-semigroup of linear operators will be weakly almost periodic provided only that u has weakly relatively compact range. Our results on existence and representation are then applied to a qualitative study of asymptotic behavior of solutions to the abstract Cauchy problem in which the focus is on almost periodicity properties and ergodic theorems

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 47H20
Secondary: 34G10, 47A35, 47D03
Received: 22 April 1988
Published: 1 May 1990
Wolfgang Ruess
William H. Summers