Vol. 144, No. 1, 1990

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On the distribution of Weierstrass points on irreducible rational nodal curves

John B. Little and Kathryn A. Furio

Vol. 144 (1990), No. 1, 131–136

Let X be an irreducible rational nodal curve of arithmetic genus g 2, and let be a non-special, effective invertible sheaf on X. Let W() denote the set of smooth Weierstrass points of and all its positive tensor powers on X. In this paper, we study the distribution of W() on X. In particular, we will show that W() is not dense on X, generalizing an example of R. F. Lax.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 14H55
Secondary: 14H20, 14H45
Received: 9 September 1988
Published: 1 July 1990
John B. Little
Kathryn A. Furio