Vol. 144, No. 2, 1990

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An algebraically derived q-analogue of a character sum associated with a class of semiregular permutations

George E. Andrews and David M. Jackson

Vol. 144 (1990), No. 2, 207–218

The group algebra of the symmetric group can be used to determine the cycle structure of permutations which are obtained as products of designated conjugacy classes. Such matters arise, for example, in certain topological questions and in the embedding of graphs on orientable surfaces. We consider a set of permutations restricted by cycle structure, and use basic hypergeometric series to derive q-analogues associated with the generating functions for the numbers of such permutations. The expressions which are derived pose a number of combinatorial questions about their connexion with the Hecke algebra of the symmetric group.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 33D80
Secondary: 05A30
Received: 4 June 1988
Revised: 24 May 1989
Published: 1 August 1990
George E. Andrews
Department of Mathematics
The Pennsylvania State University
109 McAllister Building
University Park PA 16802-7000
United States
David M. Jackson
University of Waterloo
United States