Vol. 146, No. 1, 1990

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Index for pairs of finite von Neumann algebras

Paul Jolissaint

Vol. 146 (1990), No. 1, 43–70

The Jones’ index of a pair N M of finite von Neumann algebras with finite dimensional centers has been given two definitions: one ring-theoretic, and one using Markov traces. We extend here the second definition to the case of finite, σ-finite von Neumann algebras and we show that the two definitions agree when the algebras are direct sums of finite factors. We also study Markov traces on such pairs.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 46L37
Secondary: 46L10
Received: 20 November 1988
Revised: 30 March 1989
Published: 1 November 1990
Paul Jolissaint