Vol. 146, No. 1, 1990

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Uniform asymptotics for real reductive Lie groups

P. C. Trombi

Vol. 146 (1990), No. 1, 131–199

Let G be a real reductive Lie group, 𝜃 a Cartan involution of G, and B = N0A0M01 a fixed minimal parabolic subgroup of G. Fix H a 𝜃-stable Cartan subgroup of G, and assume that if H = H+H is the decomposition of H relative to 𝜃, then HA0. Let χ H+, then following Harish-Chandra, we introduce the functions of type II(χ). It is known that the positive chamber A0(B) can be covered by sectors A0(B|Q), where Q varies over the maximal parabolic subgroups of G which are standard with respect to B. Let Q = NM be such a maximal parabolic for which the split component of M can be conjugated by an element of G into H. We show that given a function φ(x,λ) of type II(χ) there exists an asymptotic expansion (along Q) for this function with the following properties: first the partial sums uniformly approximate the function as λ varies over H, and x varies over A0(B|Q), and second, the terms in this sum are essentially functions of type II(χ) on an approximate Levi subgroup of M.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 22E45
Secondary: 22E30
Received: 26 October 1988
Revised: 25 August 1989
Published: 1 November 1990
P. C. Trombi